B E G I N N E R ' S   S P E C I A L

  • Beginners can be children, juniors, and adults wanting to try Taekwondo. Our one week trial is perfect to come and train to see if this is a great sport and activity for you, your child, or both.
  • 1 Week Trial: 2 classes, any 2 days of the week
  • New students only

New Student (children) policy:

We start our children students at the age of 6 years, although we do make exceptions for children who are 5 years old, provided that they are taking classes with a sibling, a relative (such as a cousin) or a family friend. 

World Champion Taekwondo in North Haven can also accommodate students who have special needs. Please inform Master Lee of your circumstances and he can develop a program to best suit your needs. 

C h i l d r e n  B E G I N N E R ' S   S C H E D U L E

s t u d e n t  S i g n - u p

Note: Please fill out the fields marked with an asterisk.

O U R   L O c a t i o n

344 Washington Ave, North Haven, CT 06473
